Saturday, July 14, 2007

Got Milk?

This was part of my paper a few years back. Goes to show how much of a milkaholic I am...

There are some things in life that taste good on their own. Shoud taste good on their own. But sometimes, I find myself thinking while enjoying the original flavor... These things could be better. They can't be perfect when you find it generic, when everyone knows how it tastes like, because it would'nt be special.

So in comes milk...

Milk has made these things taste better than they should be... for me at least. Cereal. Coffee. Chocolate. Cookies. Ice Cream. Even a kiss tastes better when milk is involved. Everything bitter becomes mild. Something too sweet to be true tastes lighter. What was harder to chew becomes easier to swallow.

I'm not talking about milk as milk, you know... Recently, I met a person. Two actually. I call them Milky.Separately. They make things taste better than they really are. Not a single moment is boring with them, whether it's bitter, sweet, hard or just plain cookie. They can't be boring because every time you try to figure each of them out, they do something to catch you off-guard and you just find yourself in retrospect, thinking how special the moment was.

I love milk because it makes things taste better. Same thing is true with Milky. Both of them. Only separately. So you just gotta love it. I do. Do you? I know I do.

Hehehe. Sigh....

Got Milk?


hilagyo said...

figures, after two years of not blogging, the first entry u write about is milk ^_^ u are a milkaholic ^_^

Anonymous said...

u milkaholic! hahhahah!
di ka rin proud noh? at least its a healthy one. >___<

youve got a point there..some food just tastes better with milk.'s milky? @____@ makes me wonder... tsk tsk tsk.. (ahuhuhuhu!)

- chi