Monday, July 16, 2007


Ever had one before? It's never a boring experience - particularly when you have it for three days straight. You get a sudden burst of tension and energy you feel like you can do anything, that you're invincible, you're Superman. Scratch that. SUPAH-man. I had that 3-day sugar rush and it was a blast.

Hehehe. Guess what I did?

Naturally, I'm an introvert. I'm the type who just reacts. But when IT hit me, WHOA, i just got enough euphoria running through my system to earn a title my friend YaoI-chan aptly called "Lantot Lord" (evil choir music).

I found myself instinctively flirting with everyone - Irog (Iiiiiiiiiroooooooog!!!), Shinra, a random person in the movie house, JC, Yaoi-chan herself and, to my dread, Ditzyeah! Heck, I was even flirting with the Prince of Tennis and Clark - to minimum level, of course.

I landed myself three dates that weekend, all from random people. And I finally made up (UP, not out, in, down or around, UP) with my bestie. So all in all, it was fun, but still, I laugh at myself whenever I remember those accursed three days.

Hehehe. Lantot Lord! (evil choir music)

So, ever had one before? It's never a boring experience - particularly when you have it for three days straight. You get a sudden burst of tension and energy you feel like you can do anything, that you're invincible, you're Superman. Scratch that. SUPAH-man. I had that 3-day sugar rush and it was a blast.

It's not the best experience but it's not memory I'd want to trade.

Hail Lantot Lord! (evil choir music)


Anonymous said...

waahh! you're so lantot tlga!
Lantot Lord! LL!! >___<
flirticious man! ahuhuhhuhuhu!
who are JC and Ditzyeah!, btw? me curious...

oh..and i never experienced sugar rush before..

oh and Lastly! "up, not out, in, down or around, up"!! waaahh!! stop dat! x___X


hilagyo said...

:)) lantot lord :)) true true my friend, -yaoi-chan [love my name ^_^]