Friday, July 27, 2007


For him:


I can't stand it anymore. I've decided here and now that I hate you. I hate everything about you.

I hate the way you mock me. I hate the way you look at me like you know everything about me. I hate the way you think of me. I hate how you think I'm weak. I hate how you say I'm better than you. I hate it because I'm not. I hate it when you smile at me and give that smile to someone else. I hate it because it's making me jealous. I hate it because I'm in love. And most of all, I hate the fact... that I don't hate you at all.

Damn it.


For her:

I'm sorry.

I didn't know what you felt. I didn't know mine. I don't know if it's ignorance. Was I supposed to know? Answer me if you can. Because I also want you to know...

I'm sorry I can't tell you today. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. I'm sorry because I know you're not reading this right now. I'm sorry because everything that's happening is hurting me and you don't know anything about it. I'm sorry for pretending to be just like this. I'm sorry I'm smiling at you even when you're with someone else.

I want to tell you but I can't. If I do, I won't be able to hide my feelings anymore. I won't be able to playfully shove you at a joke. I won't be able to say "I love you, too" when you tell me I'm crazy. I won't be able to flick water at you when we're by a pool. I won't be able to dance with you in the rain. I won't be able to wait for your smile. I won't be... here anymore.

I'm sorry. I want to tell you... but for you... I can't.

For me:

Don't try to live so wise.
You know you're just a fool.
Don't try to hide your tears.
You know it's alright.
Don't dry your tears with lies.
You know you're going to hate hate yourself in the end.

Don't worry.
You know I'm here for you....

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

GOT MILK? pt. 3

It would be rude to call her the Other Milky. After all, I fell in love with her first.

I remember the day I first got to walk with her to school. It was nonchalant. We were carefree. We were just friends after all. Actually, just acquaintances. I don't know. What I know was that I remembered that day well because by nightfall, we were already exchanging messages one would expect from close friends.

I wouldn't say that we were very close ever since, but, to tell the truth, there was a bond, a special connection. I didn't want to ruin that by getting closer. So instead of letting it all out in a one hit-or-miss swoop, I just let my feelings trickle out through jests, playful shoves and silly nothings. It all was so nice.

Too bad it can't last forever. I can't last forever. I've got to let it all out sometime soon...

After a recent mixed-emotion type of a turn of events, I half-expected her to change. But Milky was still Milky. I still got to do all those sweet nothings with her and her with me. What we had, what he have is special.

But can it last? Maybe we've come this far because she really isn't aware of what she is to me.

Maybe not. I was one of the choices, after all.


I'm pressured to tell her I love her. I know that it's still too early for this but competition has appeared and I'm afraid I'm going to lose her. Unless I do something.

Should I? Should I not?

Time passes and the milk gets spoiled. I hope I get to tell her. I love her. I know I do.

Those sweet silly nothings aren't just nothing after all...

Monday, July 23, 2007


Tsk Tsk... Stabs, how come you didn't tell me it was your birthday tomorrow?

My first impression on Stabilo wasn't really all too desirable. She seemed fun but she had a little high air going on about her that made you feel like "She's friendly but keep your distance." My earlier attempts at making contact were not so good either.

So I ended up growing to know her from a distance.

Like how a man observes a new entity. It piques his curiosity but stays away so that he doesn't interfere with it's natural wonders. Hehehe. Like a unicorn.

Anyway, so I got to know her through a mutual friend, Yaoi-chan. Yaoi-chan shared her experiences of Stabilo with me and got to know the unicorn better. Turns out she only looks stern but she's really such a fun person to be with.

I knew it!

Stabilo was someone you sing songs with, learn new tricks with, share good times with and all those fun things that end with "with". She has a passion for good music and literature (I can tell). She knows how to hang out with different people. She also knows how to bitch around people. She's street-wise but also sentimental. There are too many things to say about her. But, really, all i wanted to say was that I found her to be cool.

A unicorn isn't really a unicorn when you don't see it as one. If someone doesn't believe that it is, then it just looks like horse. Stabilo is like that. Only thing is I still haven't got to meet the unicorn up-close. I've only observed from a distance. Oh well, hasta manana.

So, happy birthday, Stabilo! Kudos to the girl who taught me that revenge is a dish best served cold (particularly when you serve it to the back), to the girl who cries to show that she's brave, to the friend that I will have, to the unicorn on the distance.

Happy Birthday.

I noticed that lately I've been disemboweling myself (and everyone reading, as well) with lots of emo crap. So here's something cheerful to put some balance in my otherwise delirious blog.

Ok, so recently, some of my classmates and I seem to be hanging out quite a lot. Sure you can say it’s just like any group one would find in college but I got to tell you, this one’s special. I don’t know. Maybe it’s because I’m part of it. Oh well, agree with me or not, I believe this one’s different.

Oh, and by the way, it even has a cool name.

And now, submitted for the approval of my beloved audience (Oo, kayong dalawa), I now present to you: the LoL Brigade! (Evil choir music)

The name connotes three things: of course, Laugh out Loud, what I used to think meant ‘lol as in “ulol!” and my personal favorite: Lords of Lantot!! (Evil choir music)

First off, we got the Prince of Tennis: smart, charming, challenged by height and… uhh… hair, claims to be conservative and shy (yeah right, tell that to the gay man behind you), a holy man (*Ubo! Iniluwa ang SARS virus*) and an in-the-closet -- fan boy. He is also referred by some as Totoy Mola. So now, I give you Prince of Tola!! Ang Patola ng LoL Brigade!! (Evil choir music)

Secondly, we got Clark Kent: evil (or just nasty), mischievous, devilish, blah blah all that jazz yet still a sweet little farm boy. Some also think him as a Totoy Mola so here goes:
Ladies and Gentlemen, Mola Man!! (Yes, it means THAT too)

Next is Shinra: soft-spoken yet strong-willed, very motherly, anime fan girl and Yaoi-chan version 2. When she laughs, she Laughs out Loud, living up and exceeding the LoL Brigade (evil choir music) standard. She’s also an avid fan of you-know-who (Umoo ka na lang). It’s the LoL Brigade’s (evil choir music) own J-pop princess: LoLipop!!

Coming up is a lovely pair, Rac and Rol. Rac is scary smart. He enjoys frustrating himself in studies, abdominal crunches and is Yaoi-chan’s best friend (So I heard). Rol is almost the same in the sense that she, too, is scary smart. She’s simple yet aims for bigger things (though I find this contradicting because she’s crushing over someone small. Hehehe. Peace!! Lantot!!). Rol is MAL while Rac is TOT. Wanna know why? Hehehe. Put them together. Now they’re MAL ‘n TOT. (evil choir music) Oh yeah! Pump eht!!

Of course this is just half the crew of the famed LoL Brigade (evil choir music). I’m going to have to post the rest some time later because I have something – “pressing” at the moment (wink wink).

So watch out for the rest of the LoL Brigade (evil choir music). I know you’re holding your breath!! (Oo nga, kayong dalawa nga yon!)
^_^ Fox Kiddo, out!

Saturday, July 21, 2007


Well, at least, by the time I woke up (11:45?)

Waking up in a strange room is generally a sign of previous bad judgment, particularly when you can't find your clothes...

Ok, ok, ok, who was I with last night? Can't remember. It all felt like a dream. It all felt so nostalgic. My head feels heavy. Maybe last night, I had a drink. or two. or twelve. Meh... probably best to just forget about it.

It was almost noon, but the room was dark because the curtains were drawn. I wanted to go back to bed and consider this a problem when it comes. I slumped back in the bed and tried to look for anything that looked like it belonged to me.

My phone. Alright. Finally. There was a message. I read it and it struck me. There was no party last night. There was no drinking. There WAS a someone and that's why my head was heavy.

Funny. Last night, I had a dream. When I woke up, it wasn't a dream. Talk about waking up on the wrong side of reality.

It was her. She was talking to me as if nothing had happened, but how come I feel like something did. I replied as I would to her normally. Damn it, she's good. Maybe the gravity of what happened hasn't hit her yet. Still, I'm rather suprised at how I got involved in all of this. One subliminal step at a time.

My head rushed. Three people now and three more in her past. A choice she made between two. One backing off. Darkness. I lied and hid a secret. Her hugging the pillow.What if...? Answer the question. Who was it...?

Waking up in a strange room is generally a sign of previous bad judgment. Someone knocked and called. I recognize that voice. My friend was calling me for lunch.

Crap. My life's full of it. I haven't even posted anything about the LOL Brigade yet.

Damn it.

I scratched my head and looked around the room for my clothes. When the world changes, even your own bedroom becomes a total stranger to you...

Friday, July 20, 2007


I know I'm stupid. There are a lot of times when I know something's going to happen, I know that still I'm going to end up getting hurt... but still, I end up doing it.

I know "grin and bear it" sucks, because I'm holding out on everybody,including myself. I've learned how to lie so well, I can convince myself that I'm happy just the way I am. I had to change my story so that it would have been easier for them to accept their reality. It's no fun fighting for something... that'll just... hurt me no matter who wins, because I lose both ways.

Read now, because this is the only time I'm going to let it out.

I've learned to grow up by myself, not needing anyone else. Even to people I'm close with (who can be counted with one hand), I keep a lot of distance from. I'm always alone, even when I'm with people. I'm alone. That way no one can hurt me.

I've hated falling in love - particularly because I fall in love with the wrong people. And I usually never fall out of it.

I curse dejavu and its promised endings. I've been disappointed so many times so why don't I learn?

I'm not going to say anything anymore. It's hard to follow up when someone goes ahead of you. The situation could only get worse if people knew I was involved.

No one's going to know, except for those of you who read AND know what I'm talking about.

I only wish both Milky's are happy with what they do.

I'm going to back off, stay by myself. That way, I'm not involved, I'm not in the way, I'm not getting hurt.

That way... I'm alone...

Thursday, July 19, 2007


Maybe it's just the milk talking...

...but I'm not really all for backstabbing this one person.

There's this one girl in our class who, shall we say, is special. There might be a lot about her that's seemingly weird or idiosycratic, but maybe that's the way she is.

Ditzyeah! is the type of person most people would just act nice to, but act different behind her back. They say she's just annoying with the way she would force herself into a conversation, the way she'd hug or wink at you for the most random of reasons or that she's faking all of the above just to get some attention.

I don't believe that...
Truth be told, even though I find her a bit... troublesome, she manages to still etch a mark, a smile on to your face whether she was conscious about it or not. I don 't really know her that well.

Suppose she is doing it for the attention, I personally think there's nothing wrong with that. After all, I'm sort of the same. Maybe she really needs the attention, because maybe she lacks it where it's supposed to come from, so maybe that's why she's working extra hard to get some. Maybe she just really likes the people. Maybe it's a passing phase. Maybe she's trying to find herself and grow up to be a better person. Or maybe I just need to see her in a new light, that she just really wants to share something nice and be my friend.


Hehe. That's a lot of maybes. But then again, maybe not.

I don't know.

Maybe it's just the milk talking...
GOT MILK? pt. 2

I can't believe I still like him. Even after imagining and trying to live some moments where I'd hate him, nothing. I guess it's the real thing. I hate the feeling... yet still I feel like it's the best feeling I've had since... well, ever.

Ever since I realized I like him that way, I've just come to an automatic reaction that everything about him is cute. He was cute when he'd just walk up to me and tell me about his day. He's cute when he gets angry at me when I notice him take sneak pictures of me. He's cute when we fight with food. He's cute when he walks away from me then looks back at me from afar. He's cute when he texts or calls me in the middle of the night, saying silly nothings. He's cute, well, just because he is. Heck, I still think he's cute even when he likes somebody else.

I want what's best for him. I also know that he'll probably won't see me the way I see him. My brain's already convinced that I don't like him, that I've moved on. I'm just waiting for my heart to catch up...

So there, until it does, until I've completely moved on, I'll just continue to hope that maybe... he'll never notice.


Damn it, Milky! Notice it already....

Tuesday, July 17, 2007



Everyone passes
But no one comes through
The door of flesh and glass
Red yet black and blue

Beauty of the fragile
Mortal divine
The door is opened
To roads intertwined

But the sight is blind
And beauty ignored
Everyone passes
The flesh and glass door

Shadows are cast
Where the light should seep in
Supple and brittle
The red has grown thin

Flesh may die
But the glass still lives
Forever alive to pain
Ignorance may give

Everyone passes
But not a knock on the door
Not even angels
Flap their wings my way anymore

Monday, July 16, 2007


Ever had one before? It's never a boring experience - particularly when you have it for three days straight. You get a sudden burst of tension and energy you feel like you can do anything, that you're invincible, you're Superman. Scratch that. SUPAH-man. I had that 3-day sugar rush and it was a blast.

Hehehe. Guess what I did?

Naturally, I'm an introvert. I'm the type who just reacts. But when IT hit me, WHOA, i just got enough euphoria running through my system to earn a title my friend YaoI-chan aptly called "Lantot Lord" (evil choir music).

I found myself instinctively flirting with everyone - Irog (Iiiiiiiiiroooooooog!!!), Shinra, a random person in the movie house, JC, Yaoi-chan herself and, to my dread, Ditzyeah! Heck, I was even flirting with the Prince of Tennis and Clark - to minimum level, of course.

I landed myself three dates that weekend, all from random people. And I finally made up (UP, not out, in, down or around, UP) with my bestie. So all in all, it was fun, but still, I laugh at myself whenever I remember those accursed three days.

Hehehe. Lantot Lord! (evil choir music)

So, ever had one before? It's never a boring experience - particularly when you have it for three days straight. You get a sudden burst of tension and energy you feel like you can do anything, that you're invincible, you're Superman. Scratch that. SUPAH-man. I had that 3-day sugar rush and it was a blast.

It's not the best experience but it's not memory I'd want to trade.

Hail Lantot Lord! (evil choir music)

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Got Milk?

This was part of my paper a few years back. Goes to show how much of a milkaholic I am...

There are some things in life that taste good on their own. Shoud taste good on their own. But sometimes, I find myself thinking while enjoying the original flavor... These things could be better. They can't be perfect when you find it generic, when everyone knows how it tastes like, because it would'nt be special.

So in comes milk...

Milk has made these things taste better than they should be... for me at least. Cereal. Coffee. Chocolate. Cookies. Ice Cream. Even a kiss tastes better when milk is involved. Everything bitter becomes mild. Something too sweet to be true tastes lighter. What was harder to chew becomes easier to swallow.

I'm not talking about milk as milk, you know... Recently, I met a person. Two actually. I call them Milky.Separately. They make things taste better than they really are. Not a single moment is boring with them, whether it's bitter, sweet, hard or just plain cookie. They can't be boring because every time you try to figure each of them out, they do something to catch you off-guard and you just find yourself in retrospect, thinking how special the moment was.

I love milk because it makes things taste better. Same thing is true with Milky. Both of them. Only separately. So you just gotta love it. I do. Do you? I know I do.

Hehehe. Sigh....

Got Milk?
wow, two years, huh? must have been a long time, but i'm sure i wasn't missed that much. after all, only spammers have commented so far and the only people who know of my blog don't even leave comments. so i guess this needs a little rejuvinating.

watch out world. fox kiddo's back