Friday, October 19, 2007


It sucks being alone, even when you know it's supposed to last for only three weeks. It sucks, too, knowing that the people you wanna be with are miles away and the only means of contact are through text and lagging Yahoo Messenger.

Yes, not seeing Milky sucks. But Milky not wanting to see me sucks even more.

I've met someone recently... and I think I've grown attached to her... and I think she might have grown attached to me as well. But, there's always a but. But she's not the same. She's not like Milky. I try to call her that but it's not the same. The harder I try to pretend or want her to be, the truth stands unscathed. She will never be Milky...

That sucks...

It sucks because I want to be with Milky, but Milky doesn't even know I like... Milky. It sucks when Milky thinks I like someone else, because that'll make Milky like me less.

Urgh... I'm sounding like gibberish again.

It sucks when I can't get my feelings out right, when people mistake it for something else. It sucks because, even through all the confusion, it makes me want Milky even more. It sucks because no matter how much I try, no matter how much Milky hates me, no matter how much Milky says so, I can't hate Milky at all....


hilagyo said...

am confused, she's not a milky? :-?

Anonymous said...

why would u hate milky?
