Saturday, November 10, 2007


Recently, the Prince of Tennis told me Memento Mori. To those who don't speak Latin, Memento Mori more or less translates to "Remember you will die".

That made me wonder. Of all the things to say, why would he tell me this particular aphorism? Why would I want to think about it? Why would he want me to think about it?

Remember you will die.

Everybody will die, of course, sooner or later. Barney will die, bikini fry-cooks will die, even cockroaches will die, and you and I will die. There might even be a person right now who will die in a few seconds all because of a mistake.

Basically, everyone will die, but very few people want to be reminded of that fact. Maybe it's to tell them that you have to be ready for it, a sort of appeal to live your life to the fullest so that you wouldn't feel that much wasted if ever you'd pass away untimely. Maybe it's to tell you that you should review your own life and try to find a straighter path to walk on.

Whatever the Prince of Tennis' reasons for telling me this, the thought of being reminded of death makes one think deeply about one's life.

If ever I am to die, I would've made sure I'd have lived and appreciated every aspect of my life. I would've died knowing that life was short, but not short enough for me to forget living it happily. Now that I think about it, I would've died knowing that there was someone who reminded me that I will die and I need to prepare for i, someone who reminded me that I cannot just go around, flaunting my life and youth with the plastic air of being immortal or untouchable, someone who reminded
me that I am human.

So thank you, Prince of Tennis. Know that this isn't sarcasm and that the gesture was well recieved and appreciated. Thank you for reminding me that I will die.

1 comment:

Anly said...

so dats the meaning of it! hahahhaha!