Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Everyone wants something really cool this Christmas. Some want shiny new toys, good food, maybe even books. People want to have two-week vacations and parties and just hang out with friends.

Of course, I have my own shares of shallow materialistic desires. I've already filled five pages just for my wish list and still keep on going. But as I went on with the litany of my wants for the holidays, I find myself thinking whether this is really what I want for Christmas or not.

Sure, I'd like to have some new novels by Haruki Murakami, Neil Gaiman or Banana Yamamoto under my nose, a new USB PS-pad for my MUGEN, some new anime on DVD to watch or maybe even just new plushies or action figures to play with. Heck, I'd even like to put the cherry on top and say I want world peace (I know: rip-off). But everything boils down to that one cliche that I never can seem to blow-off as sentimental corny crap: All I want for Christmas is you.

Yeah, yeah, so hackneyed, been said to many times that it has lost all meaning, or just plain corny, I don't care. Nothing would make me happier this holiday season than to spend it with you. But of course, one doesn't get this kind of gifts without working hard for it.

So, maybe, if I work out the guts for it, I'd be able to tell you how I really feel. I'd be able to tell you who I really am. I'd be able to say who you are to me. If I'm lucky and if you'd let me, I'd be able to give you a feeling I've been brooding on for the past few months. And maybe, just maybe, but hopefully, please let it be true, that this coming Christmas, maybe even underneath some mistletoe, I'd be able to tell you that all i really want for Christmas.... is you.

Seasons greetings, Milky. I hope you know that I'm talking to you.



hilagyo said...

hay nako mga kalantutan mo nanaman!

aling milky ba yan?


Anonymous said...

ah yes, world peace...

something that nuggie would really hate.