Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Global Personality Test Results
Stability (56%) moderately high which suggests you are relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic.
Orderliness (16%) very low which suggests you are overly flexible, improvised, and fun seeking at the expense too often of reliability, work ethic, and long term accomplishment.
Extraversion (60%) moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity.
Take Free Global Personality Test
personality tests by similarminds.com

I'm like this?!?!?!!?

If you've grownn tired of my poorly-written lovesick poems:

  1. I got so depressed, I tried to cut my neck with an electric razor... again.
  2. Sentenced to die on an electric chair, I was asked if I wanted one last cigarette. I declined. I said I was trying to quit.
  3. In the Phil., a woman gives birth every 5 minutes. I'd like to meet that woman.
  4. FHM was so fond of my literary stuff, they were giving me 5-years worth of free issues. Yup, free october 'o5 FHM's for five years.
Don't be sad
please don't cry for me
because I've already cried too much for you

I always see you
in my mind, in my head
there's a picture of the one love I once knew,

In my heart
that was once and will always
be true to you
...Page by Page...
my book fades
no longer white or gray
but darker and sharper shades

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Don't ask me what I'm thinking
Believe me you don't want to know
I am sick of rhyming
About love that's touch and go

I'm sick of everything
I've thought about this through and through
I'm sick of thinking
of everything about you

I hate remembering good times
I hate reliving bad times
I hate reading and rereading
the lovesick rhymes I wrote about you

Sunday, September 11, 2005

My Memories...
they hurt me
I can't accept it
but I know it's true

My Yesterdays...
they paint on me
bitter, bitter shades
of melancholy blue

I am a puppet of my past
I have cut my strings
I am falling fast
I am waiting for the impact

I believed in things that couldn't last
I'm fighting but I fail to stay intact

Monday, August 22, 2005


Have you ever been to some place you were never meant to be? And yet even if you were in a place, you somehow enjoyed the experience? Well, I'm not so sure myself but let me tell about something anyway.
Monday morning. Not a good time to be awake, for me at least. I came to school, half-asleep. I barely even knew what I wore or ate when I got up. Hopefully, it wasn't cereal with Bailey's... again. So anyway, I went inside the comfort room in front of the chapel. I was thinking (which wasn't straight or even clear) that maybe I could still get some shut-eye in one of the stalls. Then, in as if some form of habit, I pulled my pants and my skivies down and sat on the throne. I even forgot to lock the door, but hey, as long as I could get some sleep, I'm okay with everything... or so I thought.
I woke up some time later. Then, I found the door wide open and there was someone squatting in front of me, tapping my head. To my surprise, it was a girl. What shocked me even more was that she was pointing her camera phone at me.
What are you doing here? I could only ask.
Then she giggled. "You do know that this was the girl's room, right?"
I immediately stood up and saw that there were, I don't know, four or five other girls behind her, giggling and blushing as well.
Huh?! They were giggling too much for a guy in the girl's room, I thought. Was this the first time they saw one?
Then, it suddenly hit me as I looked down. I was exposed from the waist down. I guess my face burned a real bright red too when I heard someone say, "Look! He's so cute when he blushes," and then, I don't know why, but it took me a long time to react on that. I didn't even rush to pull my pants on or even cover the exposed... uhh... member.
I just knew I did something when one of the girls came into the stall and said through a fit of gigles, "Here, let me help you with that," as she reached for my pants.
At this, I shot my hands down and pulled it up high before she could do something about it. Then, with closed eyes, I tore through the girls and out of the comfort room.
"Come back, okay?" someone yelled after me, which was then followed by a more louder fit of giggles.
Well... that was fun. Maybe next time, I'll be awake everytime I go somewhere. At least, it's already over. That's what matters to me most.

Girl1: You did get a picture of it, right?
Girl2: Of course, my phone's memory's already full of it.
Girl3:He's so cute. Send some of those to me.
Girl2: I know he is. But check this other picture out...
Girl1:Oh my... Shame on you
Girl3: You shouldn't put that one on the Internet, you know.
Girl2: I know, I know. But gosh, I never seen anything like it.
Girl1: How did get to that size?
Girl3: He was probably blushing there too.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Silly Nothings

  1. Why won't yellow stabilo work on yellow pad?
  2. Instead of cleaning things up, why does liquid paper just make a mess on yellow pad.
  3. On a Coke machine, press Coke 3 times, Sprite 4 times, Diet Coke 2 times, then Coke 3 times. Put in some money and press Coke. Out comes a Pepsi.
  4. If 7-11 is open 24 hours, why does its doors have locks?
  5. How come monosyllabic has five syllables?
  6. Non-christian mean girl to Christian girl: You Christians think you're so Catholic...
  7. Sign in a bar: Ladies are advised not to have babies in the bar.
  8. Laundromat: Drop your trousers here for best results.
  9. You'll know it's spring in Manila when the smog gets greener.
  10. Based on my experience, if you're girlfriend tells you that her new clothes are nothing, she usually means it.

Monday, June 20, 2005


Important seminar at St. Michael's. We'll be back on Sunday. There's a lot of food in the fridge you can reheat. You can come if you like. Be good.


So what else is new?

I always come home and I find nothing I can look forward to. My dad would come home from work around 1 in the morning. My mom would say hi and resume writing, reading or whatever it was she was doing. My older brothers would either be at work or sleeping already. My pet/sister would be staring at something shiny. Not so warm a welcome one would expect.

It's okay, though. I'm used to it. We've been like this for so long, three or four years, I think.

It's boring being in the same routine all the time. It's like I have no life outside school or home. And it's not like I can always go the mall.


Since my parents became catechists, I've always been dragged from one seminar to another. I've always hated this trips. I mean, they don't even spend time with me so why bother bringing me with them?

I'm lonely. I'm always cooped up in my bedroom. I can count my friends with one hand. I swear one day I'm gonna...

Knock, knock.

Urgh! These maids don't understand the concept of privacy.

"Hey, Yua! We've come to save you!" joked Rio as he pulled me by the arm.

At least, let me dress up first.

The next thing I knew was we were seated in a pizza place: me, Rio and some of our other friends. Everything happened so fast. We've gone mall-hopping (yes, mall-hopping), played at the arcades, shopped till our wallets were so empty you'd think they had ulcer. We had a blast!

Anyway, as I was saying, what would these people do without me? They're a mess. And who better to pull them together than me?


What would these people do without me? ^_^