Friday, December 14, 2007



Finally! An update!

Anyways, I've just recently discovered that there exists a device that can activate my gentleman powers. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, there exists such an instrument. It's like an anti-thesis for Kryptonite.

So, yeah, basically, I found out that Waha~'s glasses brings out my manly side.

I was really amazed at the moment I put on those spectacles that my voice deepened (M'lady...), my posture suddenly straightened, I've developed non-existent manners and ettiquette and I had a sudden urge to make new year resolutions.

It didn't exactly give me superhuman strength (Pfft! Yeah right...) or the ability to see through walls (We have windows for that), but, yeah, ain't that cool? It's a start.

So, yes, wish me good fortune as I take another step on becoming the world's manleh-iest, supah-est, full-groomed perfect gentleman. BWahahahaha.


I'm bored. I really need those glasses. -__-'


hilagyo said...

Congratz Will!!

3-4 weeks ka ng nagging gentleman!!

of course freaky pg ng"M-lady" paminsan pro ang kewll!! ^_^

keep up the manliest garlegs!! :))

Anonymous said...


Wish you luck! I hope you all the very best! and most!

I hope you will succeed in your quest to become the world's manleh-iest, supah-est, full-groomed perfect gentleman....


Anly said...

waahahahhaha!! my glasses is such wonderful thing, isn't it? >__<
ahuhuhuhuh!! @__@