Wednesday, December 19, 2007

O kay bilis ng panahon
Namalayan bang tapos na ang taon?

Mga ngiti't mga tawang
Pinagsamahan sa bawat oras

Kaya mo bang iwanan?
Kaya mo bang kalimutan?

Ang pagkakaibigan at pagmamahalan
Dulot ng bawat isa
Ng bawat araw na tayo ay magkasama

Hindi ko malilimutan ang ating samahan
Hindi ko tatalikuran ang ating pagkakaibigan

Hirap na nakamit
Sa bawat tawa nasusulit

Sa oras na ika'y bibigay
Kami sayo'y nakaalalay

Wag mong kalimutan
Wag mong talikuran

Ang pagkakaibigan at pagmamahalan
Dulot ng bawat isa
Ng bawat araw na tayo ay magkasama

Hindi ko malilimutan ang ating samahan
Hindi ko tatalikuran ang ating pagkakaibigan


Tayo ay magkakalayo
Sasabak na sa ibang mundo

At kung di mo na kakayanin
Kami'y nandito para ika'y akayin

Wag mong kalimutan
Wag mong talikuran

Ang pagkakaibigan at pagmamahalan
Dulot ng bawat isa
Ng bawat araw na tayo ay magkasama

Hindi ko malilimutan ang ating samahan
Hindi ko tatalikuran ang ating pagkakaibigan

- Russel ^__^

Recently, my friend from Japan phoned me. She said she had come to the Philippines and will stay here for Christmas with some of her relatives. I knew Terumi Naitou back when she was a foreign exchange student in high school. We shared similar interests so we became friends.

I was her guide to the local culture. I was her confidante during her stay. I was her friend. Correction. I'm still her friend. Yes, even though, we haven't seen each other in two to three years, we've been keeping in touch with each other. Heh, I even remember when she sent me an original autographed DVD copy of Cutie Honey (w/c I almost sold in E-Bay but didn't because of the overwhelming sentimental value. I love you, Terumi hehehehe ^__^') and an advanced copy of FF-12(you're unberibaburyaaaaaaaaa!!).

Her family acknowledged me as one of her closest friends and, thus, giving me a name that meant I would be considered as part of their family. Right now, I'm still a bit teary-eyed because they deemed me special enough to be given such an honor.

They named me after Terumi's late grandfather, Naitou Hisamezawa, whom Rumi-chan was especially close to. I've only talked to her Oji-chama twice but I immediately saw that he was a remarkably guy. He even told me that the feeling was mutual, that he was glad I took good care of his granddaughter, that he talked to me and treated me like I was also his grandchild. Arigato, Jiji. Rest in peace.

So that's how I became a part of a family a thousand miles away. THat's how I became closer to Terumi and the rest of the Naitou household.

That was how I became Naitou Hisame.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Sunday, December 16, 2007


Woohoo! The LoL Part-ay was a blast. Everyone came in costume, the theme being Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas. Everyone was dressed in either a depressing or a gothic lolita mood. Hehe, even Yaoi-cahn came as her gender and I came (dramatic pause) fully-clothed. I know, scary. At least the Prince of Tennis didn'y show up with hair.

The event was supposed to be a cross between Halloween and Christmas because the brigade wouldn't be able to throw part-ays on the proper dates. But even though the facade seemed a little unorthodox... inappropriate... weird even, but it was the most fun the brigade ever had together.

Of course, as one would expect, one can never put a party within a time frame, especially an LoL one. We all wanted more but sooner or later, it had to end. But by the end of the day, everyone was happy... and not drunk (drat)

Anyway, ?I have to go. I'll just fix this post later on.

P.S. by the way, the LoL now has a Second Impact, the new members being Banana (my son/daughter = sando), Unicorn (a "backfighter") and Ketch (Thank you for HARUKI MURAKAMI!!!!!!!!!!). Oh, we have a mascot now, but I'll leave that for the next post.

So, Ciao. ^_^

Fox Kiddo, Out!

Friday, December 14, 2007


Well, to break free from my usual crappy posts, I've decided to put up a list of WIP's I've been doing and hoping that I finish before the school year ends.

1) Draft of the LoL Book of Knowledge
- What's done so far:
- The History of LoL
- Basic character introduction (LoL: First Generation)
- What's still needed:
- Character Description
- Updates on First Generation
- Description for Second Impact
- The Analects (:P)
- LoL Quotable Quotes (Kapal ng mukha! Pinigpipilitan nya sarili nya sa kin!)
- LoL Chronology
- LoL Family Cycle
- Uh... Whatever else I forgot (Suggestions, LoL?)
2) Sprites for the LoL Video Game
* Spriting from scratch. Need help here, too. T_T
3) Plans for LoL Forum / Website (Whaaaat? It could happen)
4) LoL: the Graphic Novel (Yes, it's true!)
- What's done so far:
- Concept Art
- Episode Zero (60%) - a short installment involving a few key character intros and a precognition on future key events.
5) LoL fanfics
* Just one-shots. Most of which I'd like to keep private at the moment. And, yes, Yaoi-chan, some of them are lemon ^_^

Well, that's it for now. R&R, please.

Ciao. Fox Kiddo, out.


Finally! An update!

Anyways, I've just recently discovered that there exists a device that can activate my gentleman powers. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, there exists such an instrument. It's like an anti-thesis for Kryptonite.

So, yeah, basically, I found out that Waha~'s glasses brings out my manly side.

I was really amazed at the moment I put on those spectacles that my voice deepened (M'lady...), my posture suddenly straightened, I've developed non-existent manners and ettiquette and I had a sudden urge to make new year resolutions.

It didn't exactly give me superhuman strength (Pfft! Yeah right...) or the ability to see through walls (We have windows for that), but, yeah, ain't that cool? It's a start.

So, yes, wish me good fortune as I take another step on becoming the world's manleh-iest, supah-est, full-groomed perfect gentleman. BWahahahaha.


I'm bored. I really need those glasses. -__-'

Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Everyone wants something really cool this Christmas. Some want shiny new toys, good food, maybe even books. People want to have two-week vacations and parties and just hang out with friends.

Of course, I have my own shares of shallow materialistic desires. I've already filled five pages just for my wish list and still keep on going. But as I went on with the litany of my wants for the holidays, I find myself thinking whether this is really what I want for Christmas or not.

Sure, I'd like to have some new novels by Haruki Murakami, Neil Gaiman or Banana Yamamoto under my nose, a new USB PS-pad for my MUGEN, some new anime on DVD to watch or maybe even just new plushies or action figures to play with. Heck, I'd even like to put the cherry on top and say I want world peace (I know: rip-off). But everything boils down to that one cliche that I never can seem to blow-off as sentimental corny crap: All I want for Christmas is you.

Yeah, yeah, so hackneyed, been said to many times that it has lost all meaning, or just plain corny, I don't care. Nothing would make me happier this holiday season than to spend it with you. But of course, one doesn't get this kind of gifts without working hard for it.

So, maybe, if I work out the guts for it, I'd be able to tell you how I really feel. I'd be able to tell you who I really am. I'd be able to say who you are to me. If I'm lucky and if you'd let me, I'd be able to give you a feeling I've been brooding on for the past few months. And maybe, just maybe, but hopefully, please let it be true, that this coming Christmas, maybe even underneath some mistletoe, I'd be able to tell you that all i really want for Christmas.... is you.

Seasons greetings, Milky. I hope you know that I'm talking to you.
